As the summer begins to dwindle, we find ourselves working towards a slower time period in which life slows down a bit and we create an opportunity to extend the summer just a little while longer. Farmers do this continuously with the extended life of harvest and their beautiful bounty that lands in our hands.
This summer, we had a lot of cucumbers, and as usual when you have an excess of something. you reach back into that day old practice of canning and you make something that will be picked up again once the summer fades and you crave time into the soaked filled days of summer.
My creative moment is a continuation of pickles this summer. I love its ability to provide more a dimension to food, to round out flavors, incorporate more of a finish to simple dishes but also to create a gift that can be easily shared with the most pickiest of neighbors. It’s been a good way to leave hope to my neighbors as we have been home bound this summer due to a pandemic, and it’s been a great way to extend summer for me, as I am not ready to let it go.
A recent and incoming bounty of cucumbers from many of our farmers like Maya’s Farm, Crooked Sky, and Whipstone Farms, lent out the ability to utilize the spice jar in my house and get to work. I have a very large collection of Asian and Indian spices in my house and I gladly used them to make ordinary pickles into something extraordinary this summer which I shared all summer long with my neighbors and my colleagues. Making your own pickles is fairly easy and fun to do with others if you have the chance. It doesn’t take much time to make, but they can last a while until opened.
I hope you found ways to extend your summer.

Togarashi Pickles
- stock pot
- Ladle
- Mason Jar (quart size)
- Funnel
- Strainer
- 1/4 C Garam Masala I like to use garam masala spices or asian inspired spices feel free to try the pickling spices found at stores or make your own.
- 3 C Water
- 1 C Vinegar (can use the GF rice vinegar, or apple cider vinegar)
- 2 Tbsp Salt
- 3 each Bay Leaves
- 2 Tbsp Togarashi (divide among 2 mason jars)
- 6 each cucumbers any variety will do
- Add all ingredients to stock pot, and bring to a boil.
- Cut the cucumbers into spears (or rings) and insert into mason jar.
- Distribute togarashi spice in between the jars.
- Once the spices come to boil, add to the cucumbers. Fill to neckline on jar and seal with lid .
- Let it come to room temperature and add to fridge until ready to use.